Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Social Work Task Force, and the Children and Families Select Committee’s reportn (Sept 2009)

The second interim report from the Social Work Task Force, and the Children and Families Select Committee’s report on its inquiry into Training of Children and Families Social Workers were both published at the end of July.

There are some important themes that are common to both reports - but while the Select Committee report makes recommendations, the Task Force at this stage flags up issues that it aims to cover in its final report in October.

Some common themes in the two reports are:

the need to improve initial training – with stronger quality assurance of degree courses, a more focussed curriculum, better practice learning opportunities, and formal partnerships between HEIs and local employers.

the need for a proper NQSW year for all new graduates – better training, guaranteed supervision, lower workloads, and protection from complex cases.

the need to embed a culture of continuing professional development in social work - all social workers should expect to go on updating their skills throughout their working lives.

the need to strengthen PRTL requirements - employers should be providing ongoing training as a matter of course and not "if funds permit". PQ courses should be available for all (and perhaps compulsory for some).

the GSCC code of practice for employers should be mandatory so that all employers adopt best practice and provide support for social workers to develop their skills.
there needs to be stronger national leadership - simplification of the complex national arrangements, and the establishment of a new national body, either a social work development agency or a national college of social work.

there needs to be stronger national leadership - simplification of the complex national arrangements, and the establishment of a new national body, either a social work development agency or a national college of social work.

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